I cannot believe it's already the 13th of April! Friday the 13th to be more specific!! Last night I Skyped my 'American mom' Jenn to go over the arrangements and basically..... I leave sooner than anticipated :) until I have my interview with the American Embassy to see if I can get accepted for 6 months, I can't book my flights but the rough date is around the 22nd May because on the 29th I'm going to NEW YORKK!!!!! No biggy... ;) haha I literally screamed when I found out!!!!! I'm not sure when I'm coming back but money dependent, I'm hoping to fly from the US to Tenerife to see my sister in Oct/Nov time :) This year rocksssssss!!!
I've finally put some photos on here from my phone so here's a couple randoms and some from last night!! I'm STILL hanging after 6 hours sleep, 6 hour shift and fitness haha killlerrr....
One of the best parcels a girl can receive :)

just a casual day at the beach!
Slightly worse for wear on Saturday!
Another beaut from Saturday
Chillin at Chels'
Walking to workkkk.. :(
Last night! Vainooo
Chels lookin beaaaaut!
Reeeally happy with these!! Studded the top of my pocket on my Levi 501s :)
Cheeky Cranberries and triple vodka, minus the triple vodka with Alice!
Hey Sam ;)
Day 1 of the Mac Daddy of all bruises!!!! Drunken me will never learn... (Day 1)
Ciao for now bbloggers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx