In these past couple of weeks I've mainly been working in the office here, editing photos, completing orders, writing in the blog and occasionally looking after Lauren the 3 year old going on 13!
I've pretty much had my hands full but during this time I went to Barrel Oak winery again as it's harvest season and I saw the owners Sharon and Rick pour tonnes and tonnes of grapes into this huge juicer thing and got to taste the grape juice before it fermented into alcohol! Very exciting.
Because Jen is their #1 photographer for their advertising and business, she and another lady called Jenna have been working on photos and videos of the winery for over a year so that night was a celebration of it all being finished and I helped hang up all the photographs on the walls for an exhibit!
Quality's not great - but these are some photos from the winery and then the mini adult house party we went to afterwards where they had a hog roast! The grown men were chugging on the beer kegs and I was sipping beer out a red cup - America at it's finest!
I also went on a shoot with Jen in DC for a portrait session with a huge family and their 2 little children. One of the babies was just over a year old and was the cutest thing I've ever seen! He kept smiling at me too! I don't usually go all lovey dovey or melt at babies because to be honest they kinda freak me out, but he was a chubby little ginger baby called Gabe! I wanted to steal him.
It was so hard working in the DC dry heat that makes even your nose hairs want to sweat, so luckily we were only there for 2 hours and that was enough! I love any chance to go into DC though cos the way we drive in, we always go past all the monuments and everytime I see them my heart melts!
Last Wednesday I met up with my friend Caitlin and we went for dinner and to the movies.. how romantic HA.. and we watched Lawless. Oh. Dear. God. If you like hot men with Southern American accents using guns and all sorts, this is the film for you. I'm beyond in love with Tom Hardy and I'm so proud he's a fellow Brit! What a dream boat ahhhhh. Be warned: it is super gory though haha definitely wasn't expecting all that blood, but an awesome film nonetheless.
We ate at a place called Uno's and I was drinking Shirley Temples which is like a non alcoholic super sugary, super addictive cocktail. Nom.
On Saturday I went back into DC but this time I was working for a different photographer who needed an assistant for a magazine shoot. Basically what I was doing was making sure all the models signed their releases and helped with scenery, lighting etc. Another thing to add to my CV :) I'm working with her again next month so I'm excited for that cos I think we're going to a cattle auction in West Virginia! How random haha.
beautiful DC:
Next month I have loads of plans which include seeing Emma at her college in North Carolina for 5 days, working with Vanessa in West Virginia, shooting a wedding with Jenn, having a Sunday roast with Caitlin and her family cos her dad's English (YAY), going to New York for 4 days, Halloween and then 4 days after Halloween I'll be flying home and landing back in London town on the 5th November which is bonfire night for Weytown so it's gona be the first of many messy nights out to come to mark another amazing year!!
Watch this space xxxxxx
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